Funky Corner Radio UK

Only Funk, Soul, R&B, Disco from the 70s and the 80s
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We broadcast in Swindon and Marlborough areas on a Small Scale Dab. The name is original among radio stations but ideal to promote American black music especially from the 70s and 80s. The radio station is not simply a jukebox, as programming is punctuated by various jingles and explanations. The result is a mixture of hits and less known music that provides a great listening experience. Among others we suggest ‘The Sound of Philadelphia’, weekends with mixing sections selected by Antonello Ferrari and Marco Giannotti, followed by ‘Jazz & More’ with Max Donati. ‘Soul Funky Passion’, where Marco Cavenaghi unveils his gems: a selection with the rearest black music you've ever heard. On Sunday morning comes Mr. Will Downing with the irresistible ‘Wind Down Show’ and at night ‘The Clive Brady Jazz, Funk and Soul Show’. Three times a day we play the greatest 100 funky songs from the 70s and the 80s.



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